Gentle Monster uses the physical store as an exhibition space to convey its brand image and not merely for product sales.

I want to put my brand on the forefront of tomorrow with a futuristic design. The overall agenda are tech-inspired, using high-gloss metallics , geometric shapes, space-age element and science-inspired elements to build the store into a laboratory.

Signage & Product DesignThe signage design was based on the logo of Gentle Monster, contain both sharp and flowy shape.

Signage & Product Design

The signage design was based on the logo of Gentle Monster, contain both sharp and flowy shape.

 Signage Design

Gentle Monster Glasses

Final Product- Rectangle Glasses

Final Product- Rectangle Glasses

Final Product- Round Glasses

Final Product- Round Glasses


Design Process

I designed a few component that looks like a science lab using hexagon shapes and robotic arms. The design of the furniture was inspired by spaceship.


The display has a multilayers glass shelf and platinum hexagon cube shelf that allowed the customer to interact with.


Sustainable Furniture Design